createLogicalPCM - Create Logical Pairwise Comparison Matrix for the Analytic Hierarchy Process
Create Pairwise Comparison Matrices for use in the Analytic Hierarchy Process. The Pairwise Comparison Matrix created will be a logical matrix, which unlike a random comparison matrix, is similar to what a rational decision maker would create on the basis of a preference vector for the alternatives considered.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.30 score 3 scripts 216 downloadsfindPackage - Find 'CRAN' Package by Topic
Finds 'CRAN' packages by the topic requested. The topic can be given as a character string or as a regular expression and will help users to locate 'CRAN' packages matching their specified requirement. findPackage(<string>) returns a data frame of packages with description containing the input string.
Last updated 2 years ago
2.00 score 4 scripts 203 downloads